May I Have This Dance?

He came rushing in All breathless and brisk. “May I have this dance?” And lifted her wrist. Surprised, she turned her face Up to his hoary one. “Aren’t you a little old To be dancing for fun?” “Oh no,” he chortled, “I’ve been at this a long time. I’m quite good, you know And stillContinue reading “May I Have This Dance?”

How to Survive a Deathblow and Live to Tell About It

It is not a matter of if…it is a matter of when.  Nearly everyone at some point in their life (and sometimes multiple times) will be dealt a blow that knocks them off their feet, takes their breath away, and leaves them wondering if they will survive or causes them to wish they wouldn’t.  AContinue reading “How to Survive a Deathblow and Live to Tell About It”

It Was A Very Good Year…

Happy New Year!  I decided to write a New Year’s letter rather than a Christmas letter this year.  2013 was the most eventful year of our lives next to 1983, 30 years ago, when I moved to southern Texas from Florida in January, met Larry, got engaged in March, moved to Michigan in May, gotContinue reading “It Was A Very Good Year…”